
this is a catalog for my art,fanfiction, and different original projects.

this site will not look right unless u are on desktop!!!!

this page and all others are subject to change rather frequently as i am still figuring out how i like things 2 look. if you wanna know more abt the cat creature who made this place, check out the abt :-3

post archive

Update 6/27/2024

good gracious it has been a while, hasnt it! ive been workin hard on some fnaf related stuff, and im gonna be doing artfight again this year! my blog froggiefataleart is where your gonna find whatever im working on right now, including art for my multichap fanfiction, Rest! Id love if you checked it out.

other than that, we keep on trucking. hope everyones having a wonderful summer!!!!

Update 1/12/2024

it is the new year, and what better way to start it off than with a new project!!! come one come all to smogwalkers! a new website ive made to showcase the world me and a friend made. its grimy, rusty and gross, and its really renewed my love for html/website building. (side note, oh my GOD i made this website in the most inefficient way possible. how had i not figured out the 'br' tag!!!

anyway, thats really all. just poppin in to share with yall what ive been up to. take care and be safe!!!

Update 12/23/2023

AA! oh no!!! i have to admit ive hit sort of a wall with this ol thing, but i really want to keep making html stuff. it feels nice!! my computer is still broken, which is really fuckin with my ability to do stuff, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! its looking like the problem is a broken wifi driver, which,, is easily replacable? just have to actually....do that.... (do i know how to yet, no.) anyway! there are lots of things i can do on here, but im kind of thinking not much is gonna change for a while. i have most of the stuff i want, and....i dunno. thats just the reason for nothing new. i hope everyone has a lovely holidays, stay safe and take care :-)

Update 10/10/2023

hey, are you todays date? beclaws your 10/10 ;-)

the fall season is coming up fast, and i am here to celebrate with....*insert fanfare* more updates!! come, gaze apon all my art ive uploaded recently, both in writng, art, and poetry !!! might get a little angsty in there, fair warning. hows everyone liking the collages? i'm finding i really really like papercrafts, and! i figured out how to make my own little memo pads (its just glue) and its making me feel very decadent and accomplished. regarding my last update, i am still stuck on my various fnaf oneshots so no new posts just yet.

this is not really related, but fall really does change my whole mindset. the first chill of the season hit when me and my partner were on vacation, and i immediantly felt the urge to don a sweater and run around outside. and i got to! if anyone tells you grown ups shouldnt play on playgrounds run far far away from them, because i felt more fufilled and happy (and tired) than i had in ages. its great!! more oppurrtunaties for adults to run around and climb on stuff, please.

also, fall brings so many things to look forward to! the fnaf movie comes out on the 27th, theres halloween, you get to have soup and wear hoodies every single day!!! not to mention how everything just feels......spookier. tldr, i am just so so happy and excited for this season and everything it brings! take care :-)

Update 10/2/2023

HAH! i did not forget about this place, i have been absolutely consumed by various hyperfixations !!!! soo, very small update mostly consisting of telling y'all what ive been up to! 1, moving went great, i love my new place so so much. (one of my newest fixations is decorating, lol.) 2, i have a fulltime job now!!! i am hoping this means i will be able to push myself to actually finish some of my writing projects, but we shall see. 3, new (old) art for my art dump page, and i have LOTS of new stuff that i have yet to scan in, im hoping to get it in the next week, so keep an eye out. ive gotten really into crafting lately, and i havent decided how im gonna post some of my more 3-d stuff yet, aaaa. on a related note to writing, does anyone else get so caught up on lore accuracy that they just cant finish anything? ive got a couple fnaf oneshots that i really like the concept of, but kind of throw canon out the window, and im not sure if anyone would actually be interested in them. mostly i just have a lot of personal headcanons regarding how the pizzaplex functions, like a "ripley's believe it or not" style touristy musuem segment next to rockstar row. speaking of fnaf, the movie comes out oct 27th!!! im so excited!!!!

sorry for the lack of regular updates (i say, every single time). id say thatll change, but probably not for a while ;-P. take care!!

Update 7/23/2023

ok, so moving has taken a lot more out of me than i thought. didnt really get to anything i said i would lol, but i have finally made the oc page! as of right now the only universe that has content and is mostly finished is Project:Mallory. in addition, expect changes to my about me by the end of today. my computer also is now broken, so i cant work on it (or anything) as often as i want right now. hopefully once this hell month is over ill be able to focus on fun things again.......and also maybe be able to stop spending ridiculous amounts of money on being alive. i still check the site at least once a day!!!!! anyway, peace, update u later :-)

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