how many times do i have to say it: i dont want to be your friend
Speaking is a curseMade of warm honey,
Love, and promises of safety
Speaking is a curse
That gives away all of you
To the guise of camaraderie
It starts with agreement
Starts with a chance to be included,
Part of something,
Then continues like in a trance
Before you know it-
One secret,
Then another
Pulled bloody like teeth
Into the hands of those waiting beneath
They want more, they need it,
So they pull you apart
Holding your still beating heart
Now that they know you youll never get out
If only youd known to just shut up.
tags: vent, anger

Its a literal fire inside me
Roasting my words, making me bitter and cruel
I wish I could melt like the popsicles i pop like pills
Five a day to curb the sickness creeping into my mind
Whispering slaughter, slaughter
Its too much
Its too much, oozing out of me like trash lava
Burning anyone close enough to hear
I wish i could cool down
tags: anger, old stuff

fuk this dude in particular
Let me just say it, out loud,so everyone knows
I dont like you
I dont care about your neuroses, you never cared about mine
Im too much to deal with, you say
But you never even tried
I put in the hours, the effort, the time
What did i get back?
A fucking insult
A lie
A coward who wont look me in the face as he ends my life
You say i cant move on
But you never told me it was over
How was i supposed to get the hint
If you kept telling me its fine
tags: anger, relationships