to the bugs

it is comforting to know
that when i stop moving
the earth will continue on.
the ground crawls,
writhes underneath my hands
the pulse of life
and dirt
just outside of my peripheral vision.
the ants are blood, bees the breath
squirming and buzzing and marching in neat orderly lines
giving mother earth her health via their own
i am merely a small organism
living within her
she will not notice when i am gone
my blood will be used for her bugs
my body a home
and i will be safe, held tight in the loving arms of the squirming, buzzing earth
tags: nature, void, best of

Cardinal poem

i love the red bird
flash of blood across a yellow blue aching sky
something new that brings me back to focus like a shock of pain
to see him is to invite luck into your home

its a secret we share, me and the red bird,
a secret that whispers ive forgotten what it means to be ok
but all i need to do is kiss him
and fortune will flow freely from my palms and eyes
like blood across a yellow blue sky
tags: nature, animals