
Teenage weretiger (thats like a werewolf but a tiger instead) who hates any form of authority. They were created in a lab by the Schaefer's as an experiment in genetic modification on the way to creating their perfect child. Has extreme middle child syndrome. They tend to be pretty clueless about the world, and trusting to a fault. Hawthorn's best friend is Brick Keyes, who introduced them to the world of punk music.
hawthorn is very short, with a reddish-orange mohawk and orange eyes. they have a hybrid of elf-cat ears that are kind of fuzzy, as well as paws for hands and feet. they never wear shoes and usually can be found wearing some kind of shorts sleeveless shirt combo. they have a tail! They are fourteen years old and 4'11.


Brick Keyes: best friend! the two of them like going to diy shows together. Hawthorn sees brick as sort of an older brother, and tries to emulate alot of his behaviour, much to the embaressment of brick. Both brick and hawthorn love pup the band.
Ruby Chordata:
Sweetpea Rose Madder:
Eele Electric:
Addie Schaefer:
Mallory Schaefer:
Bobby Jean Clyde:
Ray Maclerie:
The Parents: confusion, hurt, the whole rigamarole.
